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Planetary Anthropology

MayaShastra n. [Sanskrit] - The Science of Creative Intelligence ®

The relationship between the unknowable and the knowable:
the bridge between the two and the mechanics of both respective fields.

It is the magic of illusion that something that is knowable
is made out of unknowable stuff. This makes knowledge forever incomplete...
even for a god.

        I am going to attempt to cover all of the material surrounding the correlations between several topics pertaining to what I prefer to call: Planetary Anthropology. This material has been gleaned from mathematical endeavors and some of the lectures of Charlie Lutes that were designed for the Transcendental Meditator. A background in high school algebra would be helpful. There will be links to pages from the internet to help refresh our (fond?) memories.

        This internet treatise is intended to be on the technical side with a liberal dose of the arcane. Some of it is a rehash of what you may have seen or heard elsewhere (if you are a lover of mathematics or esoterica), while some may appear foreign or new. A part of it is mathematically grounded in a sub-study of number theory, namely: the approximation methods for finding the real and irrational roots, or solutions, of polynomials in one unknown. Springing from this limited study of number theory will be the study of the Golden Ratio. Also included here are several relevant topics of: astrology, the I Ching (Chinese Book of Changes), Vedic or Hindu deities, Sanskrit and chakra theory, humpback whale song examples, basic chromatic theory of Western style music, a snippet of Roman archaeology involving the coastal-vacation-town of Ostia-Italy and additionally supported by a few principles of Renaissance design, some hypotheses of aesthetic perception and appreciation, along with blood and oceanic salt speculations. The lessons are largely designed to be absorbed sequentially (more or less). Located below, you'll find an ever-growing table of contents. You may post your reflections on this topic on its message board. So, let's get started......

First Lesson: The Euclidean algorythm extended to its infinite capacity.

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